It’s Your World: Controlling Content & Beating Algorithms

About a week ago the social media world came to a screeching halt when Instagram and Facebook experienced an outage lasting around 14 hours.

Around noon Eastern time issues popped up across Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram around the globe. The outage is one of the longest Facebook has ever experienced (USA Today).

Platform users were at a loss.

What’s a day without posting your cool lunch pictures or fantastic selfies?!

But seriously, lots of people actually use this platform to increase revenues. In fact, according to a study by Oberlo, there are an estimated 21 million US businesses using Instagram and a whopping 2 million Instagram advertisers every month.

Imagine having an event or promotion that you are running and being unable to access your social media platform to share this content with your audience.

There was a time when such a halt would have left some smaller brands without other options to reach and engage their fans when they needed to get their messaging out.

Enter in custom mobile apps as the viable and extremely affordable solution.

More and more brands are moving toward building out custom mobile apps to avoid social media gaps like ever changing algorithms or unforeseen outages.  

Imagine Social Media Platforms disappearing off the map and not missing a beat with your fans because they have your custom app right in the palm of their hand (or back pocket, read that blog here).

With a mobile app You’re in complete control.

100% of your audience will have the opportunity to engage with 100% of your content!

Now don’t get us wrong, we love Facebook & Instagram,Google, Twitter, and every other social platform that allows us to connect to fans and customers.

However, the problem with these platforms again is…

We don’t control them. (okay we think you get it now)

Seriously, at any moment and without warning, Facebook can change their algorithm, decreasing the amount of fans you can reach.

In fact, they actually did do this in 2015 and Facebook Pages with over one million fans reached less than 2.5% of their entire audience.

Facebook enacted this as a way to push businesses to pay to promote their posts instead of using their free organic service.

And check this, Google can remove you from the first page of the search or increase the price to use their ad service – you’re at the platform’s peril.

With a mobile app you’re in complete control. (well maybe one more time just to be sure)

There are no outside pesky algorithms limiting your reach or all day outages halting productivity.

With a custom mobile app for your brand, you can send whatever message you want, as often as you like.

As your brand grows and matures, your app will play a more pivotal role in its growth.

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